Here is what I do. I do more show prep.  It seems I get more motivated to podcast if I do show prep on a show I'm about to record. 

What are some things you can do when you just don’t feel like podcasting?

Here is what I do. I do more show prep.  It seems I get more motivated to podcast if I do show prep on a show I’m about to record.

Here are some other options:

Delay the episode a day or two until you do feel like podcasting.
Run a re-run.  If you have been at this a while and have some evergreen content, this isn’t a bad option.
Never force a show.  If you don’t feel like it, it will show in the content.  It’s better to skip a show than it is to put out a crappy show.
Totally skip it for this week. (or whatever your schedule is)
Think about why you started this show and try to find the motivation to do it.
Record a few ‘evergreen’ episodes to have some “in the can” for when you don’t want to or can’t podcast for whatever reason.