A quick update of what is going on with Podcast Help Desk and Blubrry.

Will be at Podcast Movement with "Podcast Help Desk" office hours.  Stop by the booth if you need some help with your show's tech.
Win a Rodecaster Pro by entering Blubrry's record a promo contest at the Blubrry booth.
Podcast Help Desk News RIP.    I killed it.  It was fun while it lasted on Alexa.


Check out Blubrry's new official podcast at PodcastInsider.com

A quick update of what is going on with Podcast Help Desk and Blubrry.

Will be at Podcast Movement with “Podcast Help Desk” office hours.  Stop by the booth if you need some help with your show’s tech.
Win a Rodecaster Pro by entering Blubrry’s record a promo contest at the Blubrry booth.
Podcast Help Desk News RIP.    I killed it.  It was fun while it lasted on Alexa.


Check out Blubrry’s new official podcast at PodcastInsider.com