Today I covered several topics and even a rant of sorts.

- Where should I host my website / Media? - Blubrry Create Podcasting Manual Hosting

- iTunes (again) - iTunes Podcasting Specs

- Your RSS feed is the life-blood of your podcast... Own it, protect it and try not to make it so complicated.

- Buzz, Hum, Cracking and popping audio (not my voice :) )

- Be nice to your Tech Support people!  The word ASAP! should never be in your first contact with Tech support.  Also, GOOGLE is your friend!! Use it!  If you are going to podcast, you WILL have to learn something or pay someone to learn something for you.

Today I covered several topics and even a rant of sorts.

– Where should I host my website / Media? – Blubrry Create Podcasting Manual Hosting

– iTunes (again) – iTunes Podcasting Specs

– Your RSS feed is the life-blood of your podcast… Own it, protect it and try not to make it so complicated.

– Buzz, Hum, Cracking and popping audio (not my voice 🙂 )

– Be nice to your Tech Support people!  The word ASAP! should never be in your first contact with Tech support.  Also, GOOGLE is your friend!! Use it!  If you are going to podcast, you WILL have to learn something or pay someone to learn something for you.