The company Personal Audio, The people claiming they have a patent for podcasting, that were suing Adam Carolla have tried to drop the lawsuit. They claim there is “no money” in podcasting. Adam has decided to not let it drop just yet and is keeping his counter-claims. His goal is to invalidate the patent. I’m not sure that’s a good idea. He’s raised nearly $1 million to fight them. I was listening to Adam Curry on No Agenda and he (the podfather) said that he thinks Corolla should give the cash to the EFF who is trying to get the patent invalidated. I’m not exactly sure what to think about it. Read more about it H E R E


I’ve been getting a lot of questions from people who have been asked by their webhost to upgrade because they are hogging all the CPU on a shared server. (a good problem to have)

- Not all webhosting is created the same.

- I would use the big guys for shared hosting. I’ve had the best luck with either Bluehost (you can help me out by using my affiliate link if you are going to go with Bluehost) or Godaddy hosting. (this podcast website is on Godaddy Linux hosting)

Bluehost just introduced their “Optimized Hosting For Wordpress” (use my link code) which would solve the problem.

-Wordpress takes some CPU to generate your feed with powerpress. PHP is used to generate your feed on the fly. When someone requests your RSS feed, it pulls a little bit on the server’s CPU. Get too many requests at one time and your site can slow down a bit. The way it does that is PHP.

From Wikipedia: PHP is a server-side scripting language designed for web development but also used as a general-purpose programming language. As of January 2013, PHP was installed on more than 240 million websites (39% of those sampled) and 2.1 million web servers.

- Say you have 1000 people that listen to your podcast every time you put out an episode and of those 1000 people, 50% are using your RSS feed, either with iTunes, the iOS Podcasts App or some other podcast app or rss reader. It’s not just 500 times does your feed get queried. It’s ever xx amount of time, it gets hit 500 times. over a week, if the podcatchers ping once a day thats 3500 times. Most of the time, most people (lets say 400) have it set to ping every hour. That would be 67900 times! If your show keeps growing, it won’t take long before your webhost will say that you are using too much CPU and ask you to leave. Hopefully they are nice enough to ask you to leave.

- There are many ways to fix this problem. Only 3 of them make any sense to me. As you know, I am a firm believer is owning your own brand and controlling your feed.

1. Upgrade your hosting. VPS, Dedicated server or Wordpress optimized hosting. Bluehost just introduced their “Optimized Hosting For Wordpress” (use my promo code) which would solve the problem.

2. Create a static feed. I would (and do) use Static Feed plugin. at . ignore the part about it not being updated in over
2 years. It works and it is supported (by me and Angelo) so don’t worry. I’m hoping Angelo will update it just to get rid of that warning. :)

3. Use a caching plugin. (not my favorite choice but it can work)

Others may tell you to use Feedburner. That will ‘sort of work’. It does take the load off your webserver, but you give up much more so it’s not worth it.

Still others will say, use your hosting company's RSS feed. Both Libsyn and Blubrry offer a feed with a hosting account. I wouldn’t use that feed from either of them (although you could do worse since both companies will redirect your feed if you change your mind).

I’m going to be having another “off week” next week. So I will be back and we will continue the zero to itunes podcast series. Thank for listening!
Use the promo code "nobs" for a free month of podcast hosting at any level at
The promo code also works for blubrry premium statistics 1 mo...

The company Personal Audio, The people claiming they have a patent for podcasting, that were suing Adam Carolla have tried to drop the lawsuit. They claim there is “no money” in podcasting. Adam has decided to not let it drop just yet and is keeping his counter-claims. His goal is to invalidate the patent. I’m not sure that’s a good idea. He’s raised nearly $1 million to fight them. I was listening to Adam Curry on No Agenda and he (the podfather) said that he thinks Corolla should give the cash to the EFF who is trying to get the patent invalidated. I’m not exactly sure what to think about it. Read more about it H E R E


I’ve been getting a lot of questions from people who have been asked by their webhost to upgrade because they are hogging all the CPU on a shared server. (a good problem to have)

– Not all webhosting is created the same.

– I would use the big guys for shared hosting. I’ve had the best luck with either Bluehost (you can help me out by using my affiliate link if you are going to go with Bluehost) or Godaddy hosting. (this podcast website is on Godaddy Linux hosting)

Bluehost just introduced their “Optimized Hosting For WordPress” (use my link code) which would solve the problem.

-Wordpress takes some CPU to generate your feed with powerpress. PHP is used to generate your feed on the fly. When someone requests your RSS feed, it pulls a little bit on the server’s CPU. Get too many requests at one time and your site can slow down a bit. The way it does that is PHP.

From Wikipedia: PHP is a server-side scripting language designed for web development but also used as a general-purpose programming language. As of January 2013, PHP was installed on more than 240 million websites (39% of those sampled) and 2.1 million web servers.

– Say you have 1000 people that listen to your podcast every time you put out an episode and of those 1000 people, 50% are using your RSS feed, either with iTunes, the iOS Podcasts App or some other podcast app or rss reader. It’s not just 500 times does your feed get queried. It’s ever xx amount of time, it gets hit 500 times. over a week, if the podcatchers ping once a day thats 3500 times. Most of the time, most people (lets say 400) have it set to ping every hour. That would be 67900 times! If your show keeps growing, it won’t take long before your webhost will say that you are using too much CPU and ask you to leave. Hopefully they are nice enough to ask you to leave.

– There are many ways to fix this problem. Only 3 of them make any sense to me. As you know, I am a firm believer is owning your own brand and controlling your feed.

1. Upgrade your hosting. VPS, Dedicated server or WordPress optimized hosting. Bluehost just introduced their “Optimized Hosting For WordPress” (use my promo code) which would solve the problem.

2. Create a static feed. I would (and do) use Static Feed plugin. at . ignore the part about it not being updated in over

2 years. It works and it is supported (by me and Angelo) so don’t worry. I’m hoping Angelo will update it just to get rid of that warning. 🙂

3. Use a caching plugin. (not my favorite choice but it can work)

Others may tell you to use Feedburner. That will ‘sort of work’. It does take the load off your webserver, but you give up much more so it’s not worth it.

Still others will say, use your hosting company’s RSS feed. Both Libsyn and Blubrry offer a feed with a hosting account. I wouldn’t use that feed from either of them (although you could do worse since both companies will redirect your feed if you change your mind).

I’m going to be having another “off week” next week. So I will be back and we will continue the zero to itunes podcast series. Thank for listening!

Use the promo code “nobs” for a free month of podcast hosting at any level at

The promo code also works for blubrry premium statistics 1 mo…