Apple announced "Subscriptions" after changing the name of subscribing to a free podcast to "Follow".  We have more details about that system.  Today I will attempt to tell you, technically, how this is going to work and what it will not do. 

Apple announced “Subscriptions” after changing the name of subscribing to a free podcast to “Follow”.  We have more details about that system.  Today I will attempt to tell you, technically, how this is going to work and what it will not do.

What it is…

Apple Podcasts will allow you to create a show that is a paid subscription only available on Apple Podcasts.
You can do free episodes and paid episodes in the freemium model.
You can do a Paid Subscription only (with or without a free trial)
Apple will take 30% (the same as Apps and Books)
Costs $17 a year (as far as I know at this time) to participate.

What it is not…

It is NOT a replacement for your RSS based free podcast
It will not distribute anywhere outside of Apple Podcasts
It is not free podcast hosting (you still need a place to put your mp3 files for a totally free RSS based show)

What does it mean for your current podcast?

Nothing really.
You could use an Apple-only show to give paid subscriber bonus content that they must pay for.


Apple announced a lot of other things in both the Tim Cook public announcement and in the Briefing that podcast hosting companies go to go to after that announcement.

This podcast is posted on  Go there and subscribe and/or Follow!