Another slow week, especially for games. Just waiting on releases and playing them. Speaking of games! We have our Extralife page here please check it out and donate if you’re able to, and a share to friends and family   or click here Movies: Wonder Woman sees 2020   Pirate’s re-booty? All Star Musical   TV: [&hellip

The post Gweekly News Desk #94 – Wonder Woman in the 80’s appeared first on Gweekly News Desk.

Another slow week, especially for games. Just waiting on releases and playing them. Speaking of games! We have our Extralife page here please check it out and donate if you’re able to, and a share to friends and family


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or click here


Wonder Woman sees 2020  
Pirate’s re-booty?
All Star Musical  


Marve-lix no more?
This could be worth a Penny  


Achtung! Cthulhu
Spiderman first story DLC is out.
Rimworld is out of early access!


Extreme Malice  
Let’s get Criminal
Rugrats Save the holidays!


The post Gweekly News Desk #94 – Wonder Woman in the 80’s appeared first on Gweekly News Desk.