Andrew was out this week so Simon records on his own this week and it figures that this week was the only news that matters to Andrew pops up, news of a Boba Fett movie.  It’s another light news week and Simon’s throat is a little Barry White so tune into all this and a [&hellip

The post Gweekly News Desk #88 – Boba Fett?! BOBA FETT?! appeared first on Gweekly News Desk.

Andrew was out this week so Simon records on his own this week and it figures that this week was the only news that matters to Andrew pops up, news of a Boba Fett movie.  It’s another light news week and Simon’s throat is a little Barry White so tune into all this and a little bit more…


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Show Notes: May 27th, 2018

Why did Boba Fett work alone?


25 Bonds
Boba Fett?  Boba Fett?


Expanse-ive Amazon
 Big Hero Series
Who will watch the Watchmen?


Battlefield what?
Call of Duty again?


The future is Crowded   
One Half-Bricked art book

The post Gweekly News Desk #88 – Boba Fett?! BOBA FETT?! appeared first on Gweekly News Desk.