Beau tries to sell us on Star Trek Discovery Good Luck Beau! Trying to sell Pete is hard enough but Mike is near aggressively abusive about not liking Star Trek Discovery but Beau does his best as Mike works to sideline the topic almost as bad as getting him to talk about Vampires. The sidelines … Continue reading Minisode 08-Beau Talks Star Trek Discovery →

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Beau tries to sell us on Star Trek Discovery

Good Luck Beau! Trying to sell Pete is hard enough but Mike is near aggressively abusive about not liking Star Trek Discovery but Beau does his best as Mike works to sideline the topic almost as bad as getting him to talk about Vampires. The sidelines Mike throws include:

What the other Mike is up to…. Who cares
Constantly cutting into Beau about how the O.G. series was better
Not letting go of the 1st episodes of the series
Going on to long on the Enterprise series
Bringing me in (Sound editor Lexx) to talk about Spocks Father
Once again talking about his Orange is the New Black obsession
Bringing up West World way to much
The other Mike is not here today so Beau has to deal with unrestrained loud Mike…..
Girl with all the Gifts? WTF does this have to do with Star Trek?

I wish Beau the best with this….. good luck. To think, this is Beau’s Podcast

Suggestions? Complaints- Drop us a line, and if they’re awesome we’ll read them over the air. [email protected] [email protected]

– Follow @daspetey for cartoons , claymations & check out his new album, DiamondHead, now on Itunes- Thanks again Pete!

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-Once again, a big shout out to our favorite band Freak Kitchen ( for our intro, check out band news and tour dates on Facebook.

-Ending music is See Ya later by our boy Adrian (KO). Check out Life is Suite Music for new releases by KO and his Crew of awesome artists.

The post Minisode 08-Beau Talks Star Trek Discovery appeared first on GoTW Podcast.

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