Fox X-Men after 20 years come to an End For 20 years Fox licensed Marvels X-Men has been in the box office to mixed reception and now Marvels Merry Mutants will be returning to Marvel Studios as of the Disney acquisition of Fox, so the guys want to wax poetic on their memories of these … Continue reading Episode 38-X-Men Swan Song →

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Fox X-Men after 20 years come to an End

For 20 years Fox licensed Marvels X-Men has been in the box office to mixed reception and now Marvels Merry Mutants will be returning to Marvel Studios as of the Disney acquisition of Fox, so the guys want to wax poetic on their memories of these movies

Was X-Men First Class the only good oneHow do you get Ryan Renolds as an actor in anything and choose to shut him up!?I really think James Macavoy is the most built X-Man since Hugh JackmanDid Fox just say screw the TimelineWhat the hell was Apocalypse’s Powers?Storm and Cyclops truly suffered as characters in the whole seriesIt should’ve been called Fox’s Wolverine and the X-Men

Today we have Just the two Mikes chatting it up with Beau as a late arrival

Suggestions? Complaints- Drop us a line, and if they’re awesome we’ll read them over the air. [email protected] [email protected]

– Follow @daspetey for cartoons , claymations & check out his new album, DiamondHead, now on Itunes- Thanks again Pete!

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-Once again, a big shout out to our favorite band Freak Kitchen ( for our intro, check out band news and tour dates on Facebook.

-Ending music is See Ya later by our boy Adrian (KO). Check out Life is Suite Music for new releases by KO and his Crew of awesome artists.null

The post Episode 38-X-Men Swan Song appeared first on GoTW Podcast.

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