Batman’s Wedding happened…. Nope, No it didn’t In the wake of Batman’s Wedding that didn’t happen along with Peter & Kitty’s wedding; also didn’t happen (Who cares about Gambit and Rogue) the guys started Thinking, (I know it’s dangerous when they do that) How many big media events happen in comics that don’t pan out. … Continue reading Episode 24-Comics Using Media to their Best? Batman’s Wedding →

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Batman’s Wedding happened…. Nope, No it didn’t

In the wake of Batman’s Wedding that didn’t happen along with Peter & Kitty’s wedding; also didn’t happen (Who cares about Gambit and Rogue) the guys started Thinking, (I know it’s dangerous when they do that) How many big media events happen in comics that don’t pan out.

Well these thoughts bring up the following:

Batman and Catwoman are gonna get married anyway
Why are comics failing to spread to larger audiences
Marvel fails Even though they has 17 Billion in free advertisement from the largest movie franchise?
The Death of Superman is a perfect example of a media chance missed
Why can’t Marvel match up in their comics with what’s going on in the Movies
Why is Captain America never around in the comics, when his movie is out?
Separate Politics from comics or at least disguise it better!
The guys actually almost stay on topic for most of the episode

It doesn’t even stop there, the guys go on so much more examples of missed media opportunities that could’ve benefited the comic industry.

Suggestions? Complaints- Drop us a line, and if they’re awesome we’ll read them over the air. [email protected] [email protected]

– Follow @daspetey for cartoons , claymations & check out his new album, DiamondHead, now on Itunes- Thanks again Pete!

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-Once again, a big shout out to our favorite band Freak Kitchen ( for our intro, check out band news and tour dates on Facebook.

-Ending music is See Ya later by our boy Adrian (KO). Check out Life is Suite Music for new releases by KO and his Crew of awesome artists.

The post Episode 24-Comics Using Media to their Best? Batman’s Wedding appeared first on GoTW Podcast.

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