Tony Fonderson is a father, a friend, and a valued guide who is naturally talented at leading people to the insights they need to solve deeply personal problems.

Tony grew up in multicultural environment, and by the time he was 22, he’d lived in 6 different countries, had two engineering degrees, and spoke 4 languages fluently.

Tony got a cosmic wake-up call after walking away unharmed from a near-fatal car crash in 1988.
His brush with death led him to embark on a 20-year quest studying how life, love and relationships work, so that the next time he faced death, he could look back on a deep, rich and meaningful life.

Today, Tony blends science, languages, psychology and culture to provide expert advice and guidance in matters of the heart, mind and soul. He is the author of a book on relationships called "From Struggling to Cuddling", which will be released in the next months.

He shares with us five essential pillars which will help you to create the meaningful relationship you are longing for.

You can connect with Tony via Facebook at:


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