PDS #122

Still stuck at home due to the pandemic, I sit down and talk with Tom Gaddis. He started out as another person who bought my book and later became a client because he was interested in starting his own podcast. Tom is the co-founder of Offline Sharks, and his podcast is called - What’s the Secret? In today’s episode, we chat about Tom’s humble beginnings, from being unemployed to growing a seven-figure business and how he was able to monetize his revenue. He also gives out his own book recommendations to help entrepreneurs in building and growing their online business. Tune in to learn more about how you can find multiple streams of revenue from one business.

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In this episode:

- A sneak peek of how Tom built his 7-figure business from $50

- Several takeaways from building an online business

- Tom’s recommended books by Dan Kennedy for entrepreneurs

- How you can build a recurring revenue

- The reason why now is the best time to start an online business


If you want help with your podcast - dominatewithluis.comThe Trick to Money is Having Some by Stuart Wilde - https://www.amazon.com/Trick-Money-Having-Some/dp/1561701688Grow Rich! With Peace of Mind by Napoleon Hill - https://www.amazon.com/Grow-Rich-Peace-Mind-Napoleon-ebook/dp/B002J05GHQNo B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs by Dan Kennedy - https://www.amazon.com/B-S-Time-Management-Entrepreneurs-Productivity/dp/1599186152No B.S. Ruthless Management of People and Profits by Dan Kennedy - https://www.amazon.com/Ruthless-Management-People-Profits-Take-No-Prisoners-ebook/dp/B00NKY9BEYMagnetic Marketing by Dan Kennedy - https://www.amazon.com/Magnetic-Marketing-Attract-Flood-Customers/dp/1946633747FREE book from Luis - http://luisryan.com/book


Connect with Tom Gaddis:

Website – https://tomgaddis.com/Website for Offline Sharks - https://offlinesharks.com/Facebook for Offline Sharks -

PDS #122

Still stuck at home due to the pandemic, I sit down and talk with Tom Gaddis. He started out as another person who bought my book and later became a client because he was interested in starting his own podcast. Tom is the co-founder of Offline Sharks, and his podcast is called - What’s the Secret? In today’s episode, we chat about Tom’s humble beginnings, from being unemployed to growing a seven-figure business and how he was able to monetize his revenue. He also gives out his own book recommendations to help entrepreneurs in building and growing their online business. Tune in to learn more about how you can find multiple streams of revenue from one business.

*Connect With Us To Launch Your Podcast*

*Get free live trainings and coaching by joining the community*

*Get Daily Tips To Grow Your Podcast and Profits Here or text 1 646 495 9867*

In this episode:

- A sneak peek of how Tom built his 7-figure business from $50

- Several takeaways from building an online business

- Tom’s recommended books by Dan Kennedy for entrepreneurs

- How you can build a recurring revenue

- The reason why now is the best time to start an online business


If you want help with your podcast - dominatewithluis.comThe Trick to Money is Having Some by Stuart Wilde - https://www.amazon.com/Trick-Money-Having-Some/dp/1561701688Grow Rich! With Peace of Mind by Napoleon Hill - https://www.amazon.com/Grow-Rich-Peace-Mind-Napoleon-ebook/dp/B002J05GHQNo B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs by Dan Kennedy - https://www.amazon.com/B-S-Time-Management-Entrepreneurs-Productivity/dp/1599186152No B.S. Ruthless Management of People and Profits by Dan Kennedy - https://www.amazon.com/Ruthless-Management-People-Profits-Take-No-Prisoners-ebook/dp/B00NKY9BEYMagnetic Marketing by Dan Kennedy - https://www.amazon.com/Magnetic-Marketing-Attract-Flood-Customers/dp/1946633747FREE book from Luis - http://luisryan.com/book


Connect with Tom Gaddis:

Website – https://tomgaddis.com/Website for Offline Sharks - https://offlinesharks.com/Facebook for Offline Sharks - https://www.facebook.com/offlinesharks/Facebook Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/LocalSEOShark/Podcast – https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/whats-the-secret/id1502577355


Connect with Luis:

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