“It’s the best thing I’ve done personally as well as professionally.”

Get set to be inspired as Michaela Clark shares her story in episode 6 of Podcast Divas – ‘How podcasting changed my life and business’.

If you’re a podcaster this will motivate and enthuse you and if you’re not yet podcasting this will encourage you to get started.

Michaela lives in Australia where she founded Tradies VA – a service to free up tradies’ time to work on their business or whatever they want. Michaela describes herself as a proud Tradie wife, mother of 3 boys, who helps tradies work less and make more money.

Michaela is not only a great businesswoman, she is a Podcast Diva. I’m thrilled to talk to Michaela in episode 6 about her experience as a podcaster and what it’s meant for her and her business.

In episode 5 you find out:                                

What a tradie is
How long it took Michaela to get going
Her biggest fears before starting podcasting
How Michaela went from shy and reserved to public speaking
Why it’s all about having fun
Why you shouldn’t worry about what you sound like
The value of asking a personal question
How Michaela got tradies to listen to her podcast
The value of a longer term vision
How to educate your audience about podcasting
How to educate your audience about your show
Starting a podcast with no budget
The difference investing $500 makes
The pros and cons of planning episodes
Using feedback and questions from the audience
Workflow and sharing the work
Monetising a podcast from day 1
Building a membership site off the podcast
What podcasting’s done for Michaela’s business
Getting direct clients from a podcast episode
How the podcast led to incredible amazing partnership opportunities
Putting on the first podcast conference in the southern hemisphere

“The biggest thing was I stopped worrying about what other people thought of it.”

Podcasting tips

Batch recordings.
Talk to your industry influencers, trade bodies and associations about your show.
Video and write up a full procedure of everything you do so you can outsource it at some point.

“I get really excited about sharing the message because I’m really passionate about it and the difference its made to my business.”

Recommendation for starting a podcast

If you’re worried about starting find a co-host.
Get out of your own way and just start doing it.

“If people like it that’s great and if they don’t they wont listen to it.” 

An episode of your show we should listen to

Tradies Business Show Episode 87 – 40 Things to do before you’re 40 

Another Podcast Diva to listen to

Valerie Khoo – So you want to be a writer

Contact Michaela

Website - tradiesbusinessshow.com
Twitter - @mmclarkie

Links mentioned

Changeability Podcast on iTunes
Changeability Podcast wins Best Self-Help Podcast
We are Podcast Conference

Thanks for listening

If you enjoyed the show please subscribe to it on iTunes so you receive each episode automatically.

It would be fabulous if you would leave a rating and review as it’s great to hear what you think and also helps help raise the visibility of the show – thank you.

Don’t forget to like the Podcast Divas Facebook page and keep up to date.

“It’s the best thing I’ve done personally as well as professionally.”

Get set to be inspired as Michaela Clark shares her story in episode 6 of Podcast Divas – ‘How podcasting changed my life and business’.

If you’re a podcaster this will motivate and enthuse you and if you’re not yet podcasting this will encourage you to get started.

Michaela lives in Australia where she founded Tradies VA – a service to free up tradies’ time to work on their business or whatever they want. Michaela describes herself as a proud Tradie wife, mother of 3 boys, who helps tradies work less and make more money.

Michaela is not only a great businesswoman, she is a Podcast Diva. I’m thrilled to talk to Michaela in episode 6 about her experience as a podcaster and what it’s meant for her and her business.

In episode 5 you find out:                                

What a tradie is
How long it took Michaela to get going
Her biggest fears before starting podcasting
How Michaela went from shy and reserved to public speaking
Why it’s all about having fun
Why you shouldn’t worry about what you sound like
The value of asking a personal question
How Michaela got tradies to listen to her podcast
The value of a longer term vision
How to educate your audience about podcasting
How to educate your audience about your show
Starting a podcast with no budget
The difference investing $500 makes
The pros and cons of planning episodes
Using feedback and questions from the audience
Workflow and sharing the work
Monetising a podcast from day 1
Building a membership site off the podcast
What podcasting’s done for Michaela’s business
Getting direct clients from a podcast episode
How the podcast led to incredible amazing partnership opportunities
Putting on the first podcast conference in the southern hemisphere

“The biggest thing was I stopped worrying about what other people thought of it.”

Podcasting tips

Batch recordings.
Talk to your industry influencers, trade bodies and associations about your show.
Video and write up a full procedure of everything you do so you can outsource it at some point.

“I get really excited about sharing the message because I’m really passionate about it and the difference its made to my business.”

Recommendation for starting a podcast

If you’re worried about starting find a co-host.
Get out of your own way and just start doing it.

“If people like it that’s great and if they don’t they wont listen to it.” 

An episode of your show we should listen to

Tradies Business Show Episode 87 – 40 Things to do before you’re 40 

Another Podcast Diva to listen to

Valerie Khoo – So you want to be a writer

Contact Michaela

Website - tradiesbusinessshow.com
Twitter - @mmclarkie

Links mentioned

Changeability Podcast on iTunes
Changeability Podcast wins Best Self-Help Podcast
We are Podcast Conference

Thanks for listening

If you enjoyed the show please subscribe to it on iTunes so you receive each episode automatically.

It would be fabulous if you would leave a rating and review as it’s great to hear what you think and also helps help raise the visibility of the show – thank you.

Don’t forget to like the Podcast Divas Facebook page and keep up to date.

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