Cas is founder of Brilliant Content, a content marketing consultancy in Brisbane, Australia. Cas also writes for Social Media Examiner and the Australian Businesswomen’s Network and is the Author of “Your Brilliant Un-Career: Women, entrepreneurship, and making the leap.”

Cas hosts two podcasts – ‘Your Brilliant Un-Career Podcast’ and the ‘Brilliant Content Ideas Podcast’.

“I’ve really improved my listening skills by doing it.” 

Episode 4 of Podcast Divas

In episode 4 of Podcast Divas find out how Cas went from being socially anxious to Podcast Diva and much more besides as we chat about:

How long Cas took to get started in podcasting
Big guests but poor equipment
Dan Norris’s blunt advice
What gets Cas fired up
Women and confidence
The Facebook strategy Cas used to get into New and Noteworthy
Competition in exchange for reviews
Why its hard to get reviews
How to view all your international reviews at once
The guerrilla tactics learnt from John Lee Dumas
Talking versus writing
How much it cost to get started
Why Cas likes podcasting
To structure or not and what it depends on
Making people feel comfortable
The intimacy of podcasting
The podcasters that taught Cas
Relationship building
The game changer
Self sponsoring your show
Podcasting and growing an email list
Content marketing and podcast efficiencies
Sponsorship and niches
Dating and home-schooling
Fitting it all in
Workflow - editing, show notes and processes

“I’ve had a quite a few podcast virgins on my show”


“Now that I’m doing it I could do it all day.”

Podcasting is great for establishing and developing a relationship with another person or business.
Podcasting is an efficient use of content.
Record one day a week on and set up online calendar to only accept interviews on that day.
Always listen back to yourself, even when you outsource.
Do your intros straight away after recording your episode.

“You’re your harshest critic but you learn by listening back to things. The more I did it the more I relaxed.”

#1 recommendation for Divas-in-waiting

Dive in, feet first, just do it. You’re never going to start off perfectly. Just get started, it doesn’t’ have to be perfect you’ll perfect it and learn it as you go.

“My interviewing skills have improved out of sight.”

Cas’s suggested episode

If you want to listen to an episode, Cas recommends her interview with lifecoach Annie Hwong on ‘Difficult transitions and personal growth

Recommendations of other Podcast Divas to listen to

Suzi Dafnis Her Business Podcast – founder of the Australian Business Womens Network
Michaela Clark Tradies Business Show

Where to find Cas

Cas' website -
Your Brilliant Un-Career Podcast’ 
Brilliant Content Ideas Podcast’.

Links mentioned

Cas’s book: “Your Brilliant Un-Career: Women, Entrepreneurship, and Making the Leap
Dan Norris – Content Machine: Use Content Marketing to Build a 7-figure Business With Zero Advertising
Simple Podcast Press – podcast player and enables you to see all reviews including international reviews.

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