Episode 46: Networking at a live event Networking at a live event (how to network)
What do we mean by networking?
Networking is the process of trying to meet like-minded people where you can share information that is beneficial to both parties
Why do we network?
Expose your business
Grow your tribe
Connect with influencers
Referrals … to meet new people
Gain access to new markets; different segment of population
When do we network?
Whenever the opportunity arises
To improve our communication skills
Where do we network - online/offline?
Social gathering
Special events
Office gatherings
Basically anywhere people gather
How do we make networking work for us?
Joint venture as a result of a new relationship
Guest invite for your podcast
Joining groups
Negotiate a deal
Get referrals
Find a coach / mentor or Be a coach
Be a guest on other people’s show

CTA: Now what?
Make your next gathering a networking event and plan to come away with one new relationship you formed.
Write on the business card the info that will help you remember who it was you met
PS: be culturally sensitive with business cards.