Podcast Recording And Video Software
By Bill Griggs and Kingsley Grant

Podcast By Friday Episode 25:

In this episode we discuss Podcast Recording and Video software. What podcasting recording software we use to record our show and why we use it. We also talk about how to use video recording software to generate content for your show. Tips on how to maximize the usefulness of each episode so that you can share your content in multiple formats on multiple platforms. Learn how to re-purpose your content on Youtube, Facebook and more.

Your hosts Kingsley Grant and Bill Griggs talk about their workflow and how they use Podcast recording software to record this show while located in two different states.

Artwork For Your Podcast

Here is some of what we covered:
Podcast recording and video software we use:

Recording Software:

Garage Band
Pamela For Skype
Call Recorder For Skype
Adobe Audition
Camtasia Studio

*some of the links above are affiliates

Podcast by Friday is a show that helps people create their Minimal Viable Podcast (TM) by taking bold action to defeat procrastination and get their voices heard.

Bill Griggs contact info:
Twitter: @BillGriggs
Websites: http://podcastbyfriday.com

Kingsley Grant's Contact info:
Website: http://podcastbyfriday.com

SHOW NOTES Mentioned:




Websites Mentioned

WP Profit Builder http://podcastbyfriday.com/builder

Wordpress Hosted http://wordpress.com
Wordpress Self Hosted http://wordpress.org

iTunes www.apple.com/itunes/
Spreaker http://spreaker.com

Podcast By Friday http://podcastbyfriday.com
CNC Router Tips http://cncroutertips.com
Smart Passive Income http://smartpassiveincome.com
Internet Business Mastery http://internetbusinessmastery.com
Facebook Group http://facebook.com/groups/podcastbyfriday

Youtube http://youtube.com

Vodburner http://podcastbyfriday.com/vodburner

How to leave a review on iTunes

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Podcast By Friday Episode 14