Podcast By Friday Episode 8

PBF008: 3 Tools To Simplify Scheduling Of Podcast Guests with Bill Griggs and Kingsley Grant

Kingsley Grant and Bill Griggs talk about how they simplify scheduling guest for their podcast using 3 simple tools.

In this episode you will discover three scheduling tools that we have found to be "must haves" if you are planning to conduct interviews for your podcast.

In our experiences, we have found that trying to schedule an interview appointment with potential guest can be frustrating, embarrassing and at times feel unprofessional.

Have you ever had someone email you to set up an appointment and the dates and times they proposed doesn't fit your schedule? What do you normally do?

Here's the typical scenario:

You: "Would Monday at 9 a.m. work for you?"

After waiting between 12 to 24 hours and sometimes longer, you receive this email: "I'm sorry that time and date doesn't work for me."

You: "What about Thursday at 11 a.m.?"

Guest: "I"m sorry that doesn't work for me."

You both are feeling frustrated. You are feeling embarrassed and awkward having to "bother' your guest in trying to come up with a suitable time.

This could go on for a few more exchanges, where you might not hear from your guest. You've lost an interview opportunity.

What we are proposing in this episode is to get an online scheduler, which will simplify the process and save you and your guest the feelings as described above.

In this episode we mention Acuity Scheduling (www.acuityscheduling.com), Calendly (www.calendly.com) and Schedule Once (www.scheduleonce.com).

We know there are more online schedulers that you can find but most of the people we know who are Podcasters have used one or all of the above.

You'll hear us describe the differences between these three as well as the cost if there is one.

We hope you listen, share this episode with someone else and help us give more people like yourself an opportunity to be helped with information like this.

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We would greatly appreciate it. Thanks so much and looking forward to seeing you for the next episode. Don't forget you can get reminders in your email everytime a new episode is released.

Podcast by Friday is a show that helps people create their Minimal Viable Podcast (TM) by taking bold action to defeat procrastination and get their voices heard.

Conquering fear and defeating procrastination to take fast bold action.

Bill Griggs contact info:
Twitter: @BillGriggs
Websites: http://podcastbyfriday.com

Kingsley Grant's Contact info:
Website: http://podcastbyfriday.com

SHOW NOTES: http://podcastbyfriday.com/08

Websites Mentioned

iTunes http://www.apple.com/itunes/
Spreaker http://spreaker.com
Podcast By Friday http://podcastbyfriday.com
The Midlife Launch http://themidlifelaunch.com
CNC Router Tips http://cncroutertips.com
Mixergy https://mixergy.com/welcome/
Podcast Movement http://podcastmovement.com
Eventual Millionaire http://eventualmillionaire.com/
Calendly https://calendly.com/
Schedule Once http://www.scheduleonce.com/
Acuity Scheduling https://acuityscheduling.com/
Google Calendar https://calendar.google.com/calendar
Zapier https://zapier.com/
Joel Boggess http://www.spreaker.com/06

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