Hello and welcome discerning
listeners to Optic Blast!, the comic book discussion show where comedy and
comics collide. A monthly podcast that covers the highs, lows and most
importantly the in-betweens of the comic book medium.

BE WARNED, there may be minor
spoilers throughout, but we will try to give you a heads up before we discuss
anything too revealing.

Join us this week as we discuss: 

DC to Orson Scott Card "you're fired!...Sort of...Not really?ANGELA'S BACK! DC Comics: Demented Merry-Go-Round? Mig tells us alllllll about Killer Moth!


Mara # 3 Uncanny Avengers #5Star Wars: Legacy #1Manhattan Projects #10Invincible #101Batman & Robin #18SAGA

The Bookshelf: I KILL GIANTS 

I Kill Giants

By Joe Kelly

Rocketeer: Cargo of Doom

By Mark Waid

The Optic Blast crew picks apart "I Kill Giants" by Joe Kelly and JM Kem Nimura.

Join us next month more exciting comics comedy goodness! "The Bookshelf" discussion will be The Rocketeer! Cargo of Doom, so pick that up so we can discuss it next month, and you can
join in on the orgy of insightfulness.