David and Gregory discuss the Rosary, the power of prayer, overcoming sin and Our Lady – Mary. NOTES: Originally aired on Radio Maria Canada. Music used in the show are: Credit: Into/ Outro – ЦИФЕi – В Прорыв Пойдут Танки! (без речи) (promodj.com)

The post The Rosary and Mary – EP11 first appeared on Band of Christian Brothers.

David and Gregory discuss the Rosary, the power of prayer, overcoming sin and Our Lady – Mary.

NOTES: Originally aired on Radio Maria Canada. Music used in the show are:

Credit: Into/ Outro – ЦИФЕi – В Прорыв Пойдут Танки! (без речи) (promodj.com)

The post The Rosary and Mary – EP11 first appeared on Band of Christian Brothers.