Wilderness Revelations
(Things you see about yourself,mother people, and about God that you see only when you are in a wilderness.)

The Wilderness has a way of showing what is really in your heart.

Deuteronomy 8:1-3

1. The familiar has become bondage.
2. The cry for freedom came to consume your soul.

Stages of The cry for freedom
A. Relentless yearning
B. Evokes risky choices
C. Requires continuous courage
D. Charts a radically different course

Deuteronomy 28:1-4

4 ways to recognize slavery
1. The primary motivation to do what you do or to not do what you aren't to do is fear
2. The primary evaluation is performance.
3. The primary loyalty is to the system
4. The primary effect of bondage is restraint not freedom

How to Recognize the Lord's Freedom
1. The primary motivation is favor
2. The primary evaluation is faithfulness
3. The primary loyalty is not to a system but to the Father
4. The primary effect of the Lord's freedom is joy about the future.
