Life Lessons from the Northern Rockies
1. Embrace a bigger world. can be further away
beyond or past normal more intriguing
Genesis 12:1-3
2. Chase your dream.
draw up a plan and go for it
there will be a risk involved
have grit which is you just keep going, something has you so engaged that you don't
want to miss
don't quit you can't get anywhere quick or in a straight line you may need to sit and rest
3. Marriage
What you sow into your spouse you will reap.
Biggest investment is marriage, both emotionally and time
Laws for Mutual Long Term Happiness
Galatians 6
2 Thessalonians 2:8 (Shirley)
1. You have permission to pursue mutual joy.
2. It's not just going to happen you have to plan for it.
3. Your partner's happiness will be the greatest joy to you. It's more blessed to give. 4. Planning for just the two of you - let it have adventure, risk, danger, and a stretch. 5. Celebrate.