If you don't stop and get some rest you'll stop and say "I can't make it." God gives us permission to stop.
Two more types of Rebels -
Reluctant Rebel - didn't start out w/ something to fight for, but something happened and you found yourself w/a conviction I. Your heart and it causes you to go against your family, employer, etc
Going against the status quo
Rebel With a Cause - born to just want to take a stand for something Reluctant Rebel - Moses
Exodus 2:1-15
Exodus 3:1-12
Exodus 4:1-5; 10-13
Rebel With a Cause - Saul
Acts 8:1-4
Acts 9:1-19
Acts 13:1-4
Acts 14:1-28 24-28 Acts 15:1-2

We're not just loved when we are doing good for the Kingdom!
The key to rest is permission from God to cease from labor.
When you get rested the "want to" to do it again rises up.
A deep tired that lingers in your life can become a great danger to our finishing
