Previous Episode: Coming Out Head First.
Next Episode: Walking In Your Power

What if I told you that your next Level could be your last level?

What if I told you that your next level could be your last level?

Hi, this is Cicone Prince and in that time that we have today,I’m going share with you the first part of a two-partseries called Getting To Your Last Level. Today’s topic is Waking In Your Purpose!

Say that with me, Get To My Last Level by Waking In My Purpose!

Now when I say Getting To Your Last Level I’m not being morbid and talking about death. Neither am I being a pessimists talking about not growing anymore.

What I am talking about is getting your mind to the point that you realize you have, as my friend Chis’mere Mallard often times says,

“You have unlimited, untapped, potential. It’s inside of you. Not because I say so, but because I know so.” ~ Chis’mere Mallard


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