On The RenWomen Salon Podcast you will be informed and enlightened by fascinating interviews hosted by author Dale Griffiths Stamos and featuring women from the book RenWomen, as well as other amazing RenWomen she keeps meeting. The RenWomen Salon Podcast is a show for RenWomen, aspiring RenWomen, and the men who love and support them, where we celebrate being a multi-dimensional and multi-faceted woman who embraces all the parts of herself. Dale will also explore the challenges of Ren-ness, and how best to balance all your passions, and how they can enrich and enhance each other. And we will call attention to the importance of feminine values (whether they exist in women or men) and how those values can help heal this troubled world.

So we invite all those living a Ren life (or wanting to!) and all those who are advocates, to come listen and be inspired.