Kathy Eldon has lived by the credo: "Do more, be more, experience more, create more." She is an extraordinary high-octane RenWoman whose multiple careers have included teacher, journalist, author, filmmaker and founder of Creative Visions Foundation and Creative Visions Productions.  She is an acclaimed speaker and frequent television and radio guest. She has authored 17 books, including her riveting memoir In the Heart of Life.  She has appeared several times on Oprah, and has been a three-time TedX presenter. She has also produced powerful and inspiring documentary films such as Dying to Tell the Tale, Soldiers of Peace, and Extraordinary Moms - which features women such as Christiane Amapour, Hillary Clinton and Rosie O'Donell, and is hosted by Julia Roberts. In 1993, her world was ripped apart when her remarkable photojournalist son, Dan Eldon, was killed by a mob in Somalia.  Although it was the worst thing any mother could go through, she found her way through the grief and founded Creative Visions, which supports creative activism, to honor her son.  Her Ted Talk: "The F-word" is about how she finally came to forgive those who were responsible for her son’s death.  Kathy is all about igniting in others that spark within to allow them to connect with and achieve their highest potential. I was thrilled to profile Kathy in our book RenWomen, and am equally thrilled to welcome her today.