Next Episode: Observing Fundamentals.

Why Astronomy? 

For many, the Milky Way acts as a source of natural inspiration. The nighttime sky, complete with its arcing brilliance of dense star clouds and deep blue, red, and yellow colored stars sit more removed from humanity than ever. How many times in the past year did you see it? Have you ever seen it? 

PodAstro is about more than just Astronomy, it's about inspiring YOU to take a second to put your life, your world, and your environment into perspective. There's only one Earth, and it's not very big, nothing we do on it means a lick in the grand scheme of things, but to the best of our knowledge, it's unique, and there's nothing else like it anywhere. 

We posed the question "Why Astronomy?" to a number of amateur astronomy enthusiasts. Their answers range from childhood curiosity, to the lunar landing, to simply inspiring awe in the public as a liaison of the night sky at public star parties. The common thread, though, revolved around a deep infatuation with a feeling of connection to the nighttime sky that surpasses words.

We want to hear back from you. Why Astronomy? What draws you to the delve into your curiosity about the nighttime sky? Email us at [email protected]!! Learn more about the Delaware Valley Amateur Astronomers

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