Here is our selection of THE BEST (in our humble opinions) podcasts of 2020:


Adam Buxton Podcast

This was Vic’s TOP pick, and Veronika’s 2nd TOP pick, so altogether Adam Buxton gets the Pod Trawlers Gold Medal, for making us laugh and also cry, throughout 2020. For making us believe that men, and humans in general, but especially our four legged besties, are really THE best.

 There are so many episodes to recommend, and so many seasons to trawl through, but this year we have loved these especially:
 a)  All the episodes with Joe Cornish – and if you haven’t heard the Christmas 2020 Episode, you are in for a huge treat. 

b) The Robbie Williams episode, because Robbie did his best to convince Adam that he is not the loser that Adam always thought he was. And he failed.


This Is LOVE
We both love this podcast,  but This is Love was Veronika’s all time favourite this year.  

It is in it’s 5th season so there is plenty to dip in and out of; all the episodes are all wonderful, superbly told, tales.

But the one we mentioned in particular in our episode, because it captures just about everything that is so good about this podcast (the story choice, the story telling, the editing, the sound, the music….. ALL of it), is called Cheers. It is Episode #30.



This is a relatively “new” podcast which is hosted by a famous UK journalist and former TV host. He was always known to have a cutting interview style and would not let any guest off lightly. 
 In this podcast he says the aim is for him to be able to interview whoever he wants to interview. And so he does. He clearly find all of his subjects fascinating, and this is reflected in his questions. 
 This was Vic’s choice of 2nd most favourite podcast of 2020. We are not sure how much this choice has to do with the fact that she has a MASSIVE crush on JP. But anyway, we have loved all of the episodes so far. Our particular favourite has been Jeremy’s chat with Matt Parr, a former nuclear submarine commander and Rear Admiral.


 And that is it! That's our pick of our favourites this year.



Our fellow Podcast Addict Lisa said that her favourite of 2020 was Shedunnit

We have genuinely loved so many podcasts this year, it’s hard to narrow them all down to just a couple of favourites, still, we are 100% sure that these are sure winners for everyone. 
 Enjoy the rest of the year! And see you on the other side!

