Season 4 | Episode 36 | Possum Harding Adventures | Jinx Alarm

Booked by dreamy Roman Cardinelli to boost revenues at Orlando Race Track, Jinx Alarm was supposed to play Friday night as a warm-up act. But when singer Vivian Bane vanished,  one phone call and Possum Harding was brought in to find the missing throaty thrush lickety-split.  

Like many of her generation, Vivian lost faith in her religion, herself, and America.  Wooed by local cult–leader and lady’s man, 66-year-old GoGo Goldberg, Vivian ran away and ditched America for the Utopian aimlessness of Key West.   A fascinating look into the hush-hush Neverland of the hippies, “Jinx Alarm” connects curious cultural clues and with long unanswered questions.