Previous Episode: Season 2, Episode 8: 616

Cover Artist: MrsMoodybear
This Art | Twitter | AO3

Featuring: Happy birthday to our favourite Capsicle!! OwlishFun joins Flame for a chat about what Steve Rogers’ pre-war life would have been like. Then Flerret talks about Steve’s character development over the arcs of his life. Lastly, you get your trope-off update!

Show Notes:

Thanks to Kota, Magicasen, Kiyaar, Sineala, and everyone who comments, tweets, messages.

Steve Rogers’ New York BlogOwlishFun’s AO3OwlishFun’s Discord Server for Steve Rogers’ New YorkOwlishFun’s Recs:This, You Protect, Owlet[Podfic] This, You Protect by DustySoul4 Minute Window by SperanzaFerret’s Twitter

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