We did a live stream of a Q&A for Supergirl Season 6, episode 7, “Fear Knot” forever ago and I’m (Shelley) just now posting it as a podcast.  We initially combined this with episodes of Batwoman as well, but for listenability I’ve edited it by show the best I could. You might hear us talk about Batwoman (a show you should be watching) or our other podcast, Red Hairing (a podcast you should be listening to), just think of it as subliminal suggestions and jump on those trains.



Erin - @seizetheokay instagram account https://www.instagram.com/seizetheokay/

Shelley - The Psychology of Time Travel https://www.amazon.com/Psychology-Time-Travel-Novel/dp/1683319443 


We’re on Twitter! Find us @podoffcourse for the show. Shelley is @schop23 and Erin is @erniegreenbean.