This is a trailer for a 2 part interview with the British actor, comedian, and singer, Michael Crawford.

Turning The Tables is a podcast about life. Real life. The real life reality that many of us face adversity at points in our lives. Sometimes it’s adversity that challenges us to our core, other times it might just blow us off course. Whether it’s health, childhood, work, relationships or family it has an impact on our lives and our outlook. The question is will we cope, will we adapt? And will we learn?

Turning the tables is about recognising this reality through the stories and experiences of my podcast guests who reveal candid stories about how that adversity can be a catalyst for growth and renewal. Turning the tables is a podcast dedicated to building a community of people who share a common purpose. To challenge the sugar coated media projected view that a good life has to be a perfect life. And to normalise adversity as universal characteristic of our lives that we can move through with grace, positivity and determination.

You can find Turning the tables here:

or here: