You've waited in line. You've cast your ballot. Now it's time to celebrate!

Join us right after the polls close on the very first day of Early Voting for a very special Power Hour to benefit Judge Amy Clark Meachum (Nominee for Chief Justice, Texas Supreme Court) and Judge Gisela Triana (Nominee for Justice, Texas Supreme Court Place 8), featuring Pod Bless Texas hosts Lillian Salerno and Kendall Scudder!

With talk of redistricting dominating the political discussion, what ISN'T mentioned as often is the out-sized impact that the Texas Supreme Court may play in this process. We have to do everything that we can to ensure that Texas has a fair and impartial judiciary for this exact reason.

Whether they are running in one of the closest districts in the state, a winnable district that has been over-looked, or somewhere in-between, Represent Texas believes that it is essential to support quality candidates when they step-up to run!

Every dollar donated will be split equally between these two campaigns who are running in some of the most important judicial elections of our lifetime.