[3 HOUR LONG EPISODE! PIZZA FUND ONLY. $12 LEVEL AND UP - http://podawful.pizza]

Revenge Of The Cis has started a Patreon that I assume they are calling the "Fat Hypocrite Fund" in order to help Mersh pay for his electric bill. But, Triangle Man being Triangle Man, Mersh cancels the SECOND PATREON EPISODE EVER, on day-fuggin-one, in order to go get his Conceal Carry License instead. There just aren't appointments open for any time other than 4pm! Luckily, Pod Awful has been pulling the strings on the corpulent grifter duo all along, and is here to fill the gap in paid programming. Delight in their terrible new intro! Laugh at Mersh hurting himself with his new gun! Shudder with second-hand embarrassment from Mersh pulling HARDCORE ENFORCEMENT SHEEEEIT at McDonalds. Royce and Mersh are puppets at my mercy. I like to call them Burnt & Ernie. PLUS: The Mersh Effect is falling apart, and Davey Crocko is puking his soul out on his own Podkitchen.

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/C3t-Y7n0ZQk

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