[1.5 HOUR LONG EPISODE! PIZZA FUND ONLY. $12 LEVEL AND UP - http://podawful.pizza]

MCL771 aka MC Lance aka N Anon has always wanted to be a world famous rapper. Only one thing stands in his way. He accidentally went to a website called rapey.co, and now the internet thinks he is a child predator. Well in honor of Black History Month I've decided to ask my friend JCru, the top Hip Hop DJ in New York City to have Lance on as a guest and get him a record deal. Unfortunately, Lance screws it up every single step of the way. he shows up late, is exposed for wearing blackface, gets called out as a pedo live on air, and manages to do something so horrible to the host, JCru, that he swears to turn Lance into his personal WHITE SLAVE. Check out the post-show follow up with Lance in The Pizza Fund where he PAYS REPARATIONS.

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/xPl7FTAyELY

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