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How do you build a loyal white knight squad when everyone online is your greatest troll? Mersh from @Nightwave Radio is convinced every single negative comment comes from Pod Awful, and now his delusions have rubbed off on his fatted paypig, Arnold Nickatina. Every month Arnold donates over $250 dollars to his Night Daddy. All of those funds were received from a SCAM GOFUNDME for Arnold's dying mother, and now that Arnie has lost his job to the pandemic, he needs a new scam to funnel money to Hollywood Mersh. Enter, NICKATINA NEWS. Arnold's 1st Amendment Auditor live stream channel that has already gotten him arrested. While Nickatina is out harassing hospital workers between COVID patients and TikTok videos, Arnold assumes the chat making fun of him is Pod Awful. Now Arnold is more famous than Mersh himself, thanks to being made fun of on Worldstar Hip Hop, and the QUEEN is BIG MAD about it. PLUS: Mersh's lamp is broken, Davey Crocko is still burning mad and semi-lucid, and Andy's Random Edits magical past.

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