This time on the Pocketnow Weekly: SO MANY NEWS.

"It's been quite a week" is something of a tired phrase when it comes to mobile technology, and we've used it, verbatim, for the past month or so -- because it's true. From Windows Phone 8 to Android to iOS 6 to ... heck, even BlackBerry had some news this week. We did our best to get to most of it on the podcast, but there's only so much time in a morning, especially when some of the news is so finely detailed.

Tune in to this week's Pocketnow Weekly podcast for in-depth discussion of HTC's new Windows Phone 8 handsets, new Android phones packing insane processor heat, iOS 6 and the new iPhone, trash talk from OEM to OEM, and yes, even some listener mail. Plus a whole lot of other chip-based stuff which Joe Levi makes simple with his dulcet morning tones.

Sounds like something you want to dive into? Of course it does. Put your ears on it: it's Pocketnow Weekly.

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This time on the Pocketnow Weekly: SO MANY NEWS.

"It's been quite a week" is something of a tired phrase when it comes to mobile technology, and we've used it, verbatim, for the past month or so -- because it's true. From Windows Phone 8 to Android to iOS 6 to ... heck, even BlackBerry had some news this week. We did our best to get to most of it on the podcast, but there's only so much time in a morning, especially when some of the news is so finely detailed.

Tune in to this week's Pocketnow Weekly podcast for in-depth discussion of HTC's new Windows Phone 8 handsets, new Android phones packing insane processor heat, iOS 6 and the new iPhone, trash talk from OEM to OEM, and yes, even some listener mail. Plus a whole lot of other chip-based stuff which Joe Levi makes simple with his dulcet morning tones.

Sounds like something you want to dive into? Of course it does. Put your ears on it: it's Pocketnow Weekly.

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