We hear it so much nowadays:  “This workforce isn’t what it used to be,” etc.  Well, we can keep complaining about it or we can help change it.  How do we do that you may ask?  It starts within the walls of our own homes.


Teaching our kids to do and accomplish hard things is so important.  If we want future employees who we can trust to do the job right and get things done, even when it’s tough, we need to teach our kids to do the same.


Letting them fail, speaking truth to them, and being true to your own word, will prove helpful.  Make them get jobs as they get of age and make them do chores as they live under your roof.


I’m definitely not a professional in the matter and I’m far from a perfect parent, but maybe I have a few thoughts that might inspire some ideas for you and your children.


With this episode, host Spencer Ward gets personal about parenting lessons borrowed from business, and vice versa.



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