Nowadays it seems like everyone is so negative—the way people talk, the way they drive, and especially with comments on social media!  In the midst of all of this aggression, rudeness, and oftentimes jealousy, how do you stay positive and happy?


You might think, well, I just tune it out; this stuff about being cheery is dumb, who has time for that?  But did you know that positive thinking will increase your overall performance?  It’s true!


It’s time to take back your life, focusing on things for which you’re grateful, instead of regretting what you messed up or yearning for what you don’t have.


Bring this uplifting, reinforcing, forward-looking vibe back into your life, and you’ll notice different doors opening, and your accomplishments growing.  But most importantly, you’ll be happier!


With this episode, host Spencer Ward shares how he keeps his mindset focused on the good.



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