Weekâ??s Highlights/Lowlights: DACA Chuck and Nancy Irene Limbaugh calls it fake news, but then evacuates WHAT HAPPENED Trump Russia Facebook gave special counsel Robert Mueller data on Russian ads, CNBC An internal Facebook investigation has found it is "likely" Russian operatives spent $100,000 on ads with "divisive messages" Trumpito testifies with staffers of the Senate Judiciary committee Coons touts perjury law after Trump Jr. testimony Business Insider Trump Jr. said he did not recall WH involvement in response to meeting CNN Trump Jr. Says He Wanted Russian Dirt to Determine Clintonâ??s â??Fitnessâ?? for Office NYT CONTACT Site: POCPodcast.com Email Us: [email protected] Twitter: @POCPodcast Facebook: Facebook.com/groups/POCPodcast Call Us (347) 709-3247