Previous Episode: You went in the potty!!
Next Episode: Panic and Run

Thanks for checking out our show. Show Notes for the episode below! Weekly Recap Monday March 6 ACHA Text leaked. House Healthcare plan going to committee Muslim Ban - the sequel Ben Carson - slaves were immigrants Homeland Sec Kelly I am considering separating kids from their parents as a deterrent of illegal immigration. New Yorker -The President helped build a hotel in Azerbaijan that appears to be a corrupt operation engineered by oligarchs tied to Iranâ??s Revolutionary Guard. Tuesday March 7 Jason Chaffetz - Save money for health insurance. Don't get an iPhone. Deputy AG nominee Rod Rosenstein deputy Attorney General wouldn't commit to independent investigation. Hawaii filling to challenge Muslim Ban oral arguments March 15 Wednesday March 8 Washington and Massachusetts join Hawaii in challenging the new travel ban. Thursday March 9 FBI Director James Comey went to Capitol Hill Thursday to brief the Gang of Eight members of Congress on President Trumpâ??s wiretapping allegations, as well as other national security matters Mike Pence says Turkey ties are â??affirmationâ?? of decision to fire Michael Flynn Friday March 10 Flynn retroactively registers as a foreign agent. Sessions asking for resignations of 46 previously appointed by Obama AGs Saturday March 11 The Secret Service says an intruder scaled the outer fence by the South grounds and has been arrested. U.S. Atty. Preet Bharara of New York refuses to resign, confirms he was fired via twitter Sunday March 12 Roger Stone on why "exchange" with DNC hacking suspect Guccifer 2.0 was "innocuous" End Game Segment Carla Beltway Hypocrite - Jason Chaffetz - Save money Mayte Beltway Hypocrite - Paul Ryan - Killing the ACA is an act of Mercy Andrea All-Star/Best Political Quote - Joe Kennedy III responds to Paul Ryan's killing the ACA is an act of Mercy You can also email us: info[at] You can leave us feedback by calling (347) 709-3247