There are online and offline businesses shutting down or pausing due to the Coronavirus outbreak. Freelancers who have lost client work are feeling stress and uncertainty and are looking for answers.

Harlan speaks with Ashley Barnett and Clint Proctor about how businesses are faring in this climate. They offer tips about what freelancers can do now to help them successfully navigate disruptions to their income.

- Some of the options you have while your regular niche or clientele is on pause
- If you are a writer, some of the other services you can offer if you aren't getting new assignments
- How times like these might be the perfect time to invest in yourself
- Unemployment and Paycheck Protection Program information for freelancers and contractors

Ashley Barnett is an expert in blog management and content creation. She works with sites like Money Under 30, PT Money, and Choose FI. Her course, Hit Publish, teaches new and intermediate bloggers how to produce the best content on the internet.

Clint Proctor is a freelance writer and editor and founder of, where he writes about how students and millennials can win with money. When he's away from his keyboard, he enjoys drinking coffee, traveling, obsessing over the Green Bay Packers, and spending time with his wife and two boys.

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