GO PLUS ULTRA! In season 2.5 of the podcast we bring to you voice actor Ricco Fajardo in a light you may not have seen him before. Ricco comes on to share his expansive journey with fitness and the impact it has made on his life and the value it can add to yours.


Join The Discord Channel-

UA Academy- https://discord.gg/2YhZxdYK6q

Ricco's- https://discord.com/invite/cdKRzqXqsE


Just Saiyan Codes

Zack- Olympus (JS & Odyn)

Evan- Nerdlifts (Just JS)


Instagram- Ricco- https://www.instagram.com/riccofajardo/

JustSaiyan- https://www.instagram.com/justsaiyan.gear/

Podcast- https://www.instagram.com/plus_ultra_fitness_podcast/

Max- https://www.instagram.com/maxhallfitness/

Tiffany- https://www.instagram.com/_musemagic_/

Evan- https://www.instagram.com/evouzumaki/

Zack- https://www.instagram.com/zackbot55/




Ricco- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCme-D0e9vXL66vUjAbWlpGQ

MaxHallFitness- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkPGv-czWUuqAZZn1mZsMDw

Plus Ultra Fitness- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1OImlbHfNcaCTtB4fVTFrA

Zack's- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMR61MXS385dFsblHwxOKug

Just Saiyan- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdvMgZ1XMOVvR6JXbGzg-sw



Ricco- https://www.twitch.tv/riccofajardo

Evan- https://www.twitch.tv/evouzumaki

Eddy- https://www.twitch.tv/plusultraeddy



Max- https://www.maxhallfitness.com/

0:-00- 2:42 Intro

2:42- 7:32 Ricco's Current Fitness Routine

7:32- 15:05 The Evolution of Ricco's Fitness

15:05- 22:01 Tips For Balancing Life and Fitness

22:01- 29:05 Ricco's Time as a Personal Trainer

29:05- 30:49 Lemillion Cosplay Silks

30:49- 37:33 Living Up To The Expectations Of The Characters

37:33- 46:58 Facing Adversity

46:58- 55:00 Rock Lee Overcoming Adversity

55:00- 56:42 Outro