It is a special bonus episolo (solo episode) of Stay Doomed. Noah is here to take a look a this year's Candy Bowl! It is a yearly horror film festival run on the Night Mind channel every Halloween. This year Noah is a part of it, so it seemed like a good time to check out all of them!  Watch and get Spooped!


You can watch the Candy Bowl here:

Next week we are watching Clarissa Now. Watch it here:

Check out some of the creators part of the the Candy Bowl!

Skimpy Shorts:


Cartoon Squid:

The Hensen Brothers:

Crimson Kingdom - Cackling Pumpkins:

Aiden Elliott:

Have an idea for what Stay Doomed should cover next? Email us at [email protected] or tweet at @StayDoomed or check us out on Facebook!  



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