Marvel's phase 3 is winding down. There have been a lot of movies since the first Iron Man in 2008. See Aaron's totally scientific, and not just an exercise in recency bias, take on each marvel movie produced. See if something is a hit (Guardians of the Galaxy) or miss (The Incredible Hulk). What makes something a hit or miss? Feelings of course.

Also, as bonus textual content, here are Netflix's hits and misses: Daredevil Season 1 - Hit, Jessica Jones Season 1 - Hit, Luke Cage Season 1 - Hit, Iron Fist Season 1- Miss, Daredevil Season 1.5 - Miss, The Punisher Season 0.5 - Hit, The Defenders - Miss, The Punisher Season 1 - Hit, Jessica Jones Season 2 - Hit.