It's a sad episode this week at Plus One to Hijinks. No jokes or goofs, just taking a few minutes to remember the legend that was David Bowie. To say he was an influential artist is an incredible understatement. David Bowie left a crater in the music industry from his impact when he debuted and has left an unfillable hole with his departure. Rest in peace Mr. Bowie. 

Just a quick note, this episode was recorded before the tragic news about Alan Rickman passing away. Alan Rickman was an amazing actor who started his career at 46 years old with the movie Die Hard. Hans Gruber, one of the most memorable movie villains of all time was his first role. Alan Rickman was an amazing actor that endeared himself to generations as The Sheriff of Nottingham, Professor Severus Snape and Dr. Lazarus. Rest easy Mr. Rickman, and say hi to Bowie for us.