Jeffrey Powers decided to start the show off right by talking with Robin Raskin, a former PC Magazine editor now with Living in Digital Times, who has brought products that people really need to CES 2014.

Canary is a home automation hub, in a similar vein to Nexia, but with the added bonus of temperature monitoring, noise detection and other less automation-focused sensors.

Through their focus on families, Living in Digital Times also showed off Kurio, a smartphone for kids without the full smartphone price tag. In addition, the phone sports some family-friendly features, such as app-specific time limits so parents can turn off games at 8pm and texting at 9pm.

Robin also discusses a product to help coaches better determine whether players should stay on the field or not after a hit.

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Follow TPN on Twitter: Techpodcasts; Facebook: TPNTV; Google+: TPNTV

Interview by Jeffrey Powers of Geekazine.


Jeffrey Powers decided to start the show off right by talking with Robin Raskin, a former PC Magazine editor now with Living in Digital Times, who has brought products that people really need to CES 2014.

Canary is a home automation hub, in a similar vein to Nexia, but with the added bonus of temperature monitoring, noise detection and other less automation-focused sensors.

Through their focus on families, Living in Digital Times also showed off Kurio, a smartphone for kids without the full smartphone price tag. In addition, the phone sports some family-friendly features, such as app-specific time limits so parents can turn off games at 8pm and texting at 9pm.

Robin also discusses a product to help coaches better determine whether players should stay on the field or not after a hit.

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Follow TPN on Twitter: Techpodcasts; Facebook: TPNTV; Google+: TPNTV

Interview by Jeffrey Powers of Geekazine.

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