GreatCall, the people who bring you the Jitterbug, have expanded their line of mobile devices for independent seniors. 5Star, a small cellular device that can be clipped onto clothing or a purse, allows the carrier to call for help simply by pushing a button.

The first thought is that the device and service are similar to LifeAlert, but there are a lot of differences. First, being cellular and GPS enabled allows the service to be used wherever you are and first responders can know your location. Secondly, GreatCall Link is available, which allows contacts to connect to the device remotely and get information about the status and whereabouts of the carrier.

If you have an older family member who lives independently, this is something to consider to provide peace of mind to everyone involved.

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Follow TPN on Twitter: Techpodcasts; Facebook: TPNTV; Google+: TPNTV

Interview by Jamie Davis, The Podmedic.


GreatCall, the people who bring you the Jitterbug, have expanded their line of mobile devices for independent seniors. 5Star, a small cellular device that can be clipped onto clothing or a purse, allows the carrier to call for help simply by pushing a button.

The first thought is that the device and service are similar to LifeAlert, but there are a lot of differences. First, being cellular and GPS enabled allows the service to be used wherever you are and first responders can know your location. Secondly, GreatCall Link is available, which allows contacts to connect to the device remotely and get information about the status and whereabouts of the carrier.

If you have an older family member who lives independently, this is something to consider to provide peace of mind to everyone involved.

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Get cash for your iPhone with Gazelle: Lock in your rate now at

Get yourself a dropcam and see whats going on at home: Buy a Dropcam now

Follow TPN on Twitter: Techpodcasts; Facebook: TPNTV; Google+: TPNTV

Interview by Jamie Davis, The Podmedic.

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