Frances Cahill is a Brisbane-based author, public speaking coach, and courage companion. For decades, she was a condent and powerful speaker but about 14 years ago, after a devastating divorce, she found herself unemployed with 2 teenaged kids and returned to her hometown to get back on track. Her self-belief and assurance were at zero and searching for work and being interviewed were hills very high to climb. This period was the catalyst for the development of her Polish Your Pitch programs. With an academic background in Sociolinguistics, a long history in theatre performance and decades of experience in corporate/government administration, she devised a series of practical, powerful, tools and techniques. These easy steps are immediately useful, proven to work and ensure that people have tools for life so they can speak out loud on their stage (life) every time they need or want to. You can find Frances and her work here: dchild=1&keywords=your+kitchen+olympics&qid=1629589416&sr=8-1