Meet Diana Winston. Diana is the Director of Mindfulness Education at UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC). She is the author of The Little Book of Being and the co-author of Fully Present: The Science, Art and Practice of Mindfulness.

In this episode, I chat with Diana on how you can find peace in yourself. She sheds light on how to start your meditation practise and turns us inward, guiding us on how we can show up with ease in our relationships. Diving deep into how to bring mindfulness to our life Diana equips us with some practical tools to help reduce stress, so we can connect to ourselves and our lovers from a place of centre.

About Diana
Diana Winston has taught mindfulness for health and well-being since 1999 in a range of settings including in healthcare, universities, businesses, non-profits, and schools. She created the evidence-based Mindful Awareness Practices Program (MAPs) and UCLA’s Training in Mindfulness Facilitation. You can find her on the UCLA Mindful app or Ten Percent Happier app.


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