If you are wanting to feel more pleasure, but can’t seem to get past confusion, frustration disappointment and even hurt, this episode is for you.

In this episode you will learn how to accept and even radically transform the place you are in right now, step into emotional embodiment with two techniques you can do today and how to move into a deeper more feminine place with your choices moving forward.

Today's guest is Jenna Ward she is a  Feminine Embodiment Coach & Founder of the School of Embodied Arts. 

She is an ex-pharmacist turned embodied woman Jenna intimately understands what it is like to live life feeling dis-connected & dis-embodied.

Listen to the episode and enjoy! 

Read the show notes for this episode: https://sarahmarieliddle.com/035-leaning-into-your-body-after-disappointment-and-hurt-with-jenna-ward/


 Through her own personal experience & guiding hundreds of women back into their body, Jenna equally knows what’s required to get out of your head, feel empowered by your emotions & claiming your sensual power.